The answers are :
JPEG - Compresses well without losing quality, it should be used for the web
TIFF - Can be saved in an uncompressed file format with a high resolution, it is a common file format used for professional print services
BMP - Can be saved in a compressed or uncompressed file format, It is a common file format used for either web or print
<span>FLV or SWF - Used to publish a rendered video for use on the web</span>
O(n) which is a linear space complexity
Space complexity is the amount of memory space needed for a program code to be executed and return results. Space complexity depends on the input space and the auxiliary space used by the algorithm.
The list or array is an integer array of 'n' items, with the memory size 4*n, which is the memory size of an integer multiplied by the number of items in the list. The listSize, i, and arithmeticSum are all integers, the memory space is 4(3) = 12. The return statement passes the content of the arithmetic variable to another variable of space 4.
The total space complexity of the algorithm is "4n + 16" which is a linear space complexity.
input devices?
Keyboard: It is used to give input through typing of the keys in keyboard. Mouse: It is used to give input through clicking mouse or selecting the options. System unit: It collectively defines the motherboard and CPU of the computer.
C. a payday lender is a type of loan