To most of my research so far, it is the visual of speech sounds. When you look through a dictionary, you'll usually see these things under the main word you're looking for.
For example, you take a word like "Seahorse". You have the word type, and below the word type, you see some fancy looking text.
I will bold this mini dictionary bit for you to show you what we're focusing on.
The text in bold here is what you're looking for when you want to find the "Phonetic Transcription." Hope this helps!
Noda organizes the ideas showing that the society's vision for different descendants of foreigners in America is different.
In lines 12-14 of "Growing up Asian in America", Noda shows how citizens' perceptions of descendants of foreigners in America are different. That's because he shows how an American who represents the third generation of a German family, but was born in America is seen in society as an American, that is, he is seen as part of that society. However, this perception is different when it comes to Japanese-American individuals. This is because even though they are part of American society, Japanese-American individuals will be seen as Japanese, someone from outside society and who will carry all the prejudices that American society may have with Japanese and Asians in general.