Hunger can change a person.
When a person is in a situation where they are starving and weak, their brain goes into a primitive state where food is the only thing that matters, relationships be darned. Wiesel included this passage to show how terrible the effects of the Holocaust were.
Yes because it was real wnnsnska . jane down
Cyclops is motivated to do this because Odysseus tricked him and humiliated him, and even had the hubris in the end to mess with him about it. Poseidon is the Cyclops' father so naturally the Cyclops wants help and Poseidon can do it because Odysseus is traveling by sea.
The correct option is C.
Human needs refers to those items that are very essential for survival, one can not possibly do without them, if the needs are not met it will lead to negative consequences. Human wants on the other hand refer to those items that we desire whether now or in the future. Human wants differ, it depends on individual's taste. Examples of need are water, food, air and shelter.
In the question given above, water and grocery are needs while cable and cell phone are wants.
A drama and a novel have a few things in common like suspense, because any book can have suspense. Another thing they have in common is that they can both be fiction. For example: A Tale of Magic by Chris Colfer has drama and it is a novel. The dialogue in a novel is usually done in third person. While in a drama the dialogue is not in the third person and is spoken between 2 or more people.
Well let's first ask a question what is a drama and what is a novel. When we have the answer to those two question then we compare the two and look for examples of the two and see if there are any examples that are similar.
Now that we have the most of our paragraph done time to answer the second part.
Now if you have read both a drama and a novel you can tell the difference right away between the two when it comes to dialogues. If you cannot then first search up what a dialogue is. Once you have done that then you already know what a drama and a novel is. So now you have your answer.