By not being a social activist. Forcibly pushing an agenda to "change" the views of the people always results in discrimination, hate, and violence. The best way to achieve social change is on a personal level. Forget what is going on the world around you because you cannot change the views of the people around you, you can only change your own views. If you act as an tolerable individual, as a good person, and as a person who believes in treating people as human beings, you will create more of a positive effect than these so called "peaceful" protestors who think it is okay to shut down businesses, institutions, and parades in order to make a point.
After rice and wheat, the potato is the third most important crop in the world, rich in carbohydrates and also as a source of starch. ... Dry, gritty native potatoes have components such as iron and zinc and better protein levels.
For the Mesoamerican peoples, maize not only constituted the food on which their day-to-day subsistence depended –and for this reason, it was the central axis of their economy–, but a link had been established with it that was so deep that in the cycle vital grain those peoples recognized their own.
It was taken from another page, so I hope it helps you... greetings!!!
The correct answer is option D. "Lutherans had to change their religion or leave the state." During 1500s the Holy Roman Empire was experiencing changes as four forces contended for supremacy. This was reflected in Germany, as the princes had the power to establish if a religion should be followed in a state or not. If a German prince decided a state was catholic, other religion practitioners such as lutherans had to change to catholics or leave the state.
For this question you need only to know what the capital of the Byzantine Empire was: it was Constantinople, this should be the correct answer (I hope it's in options).
Today this city is known as Istanbul, and it's the biggest city in Turkey.
Supporters of the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 believed that regulation of of big business in the United States was essential to economic prosperity, since they were against corruption.