Print Active Sheets
This question refers to the default printing system of the Excel program. Thus, when printing a job using this program, the default option will print all the active sheets, that is, all those spreadsheets where information has been entered. To be able to print in another option, such as selecting certain cells, rows or columns, you must configure the printing for this purpose.
Examples of common and historical third-generation programming languages are ALGOL, BASIC, C, COBOL, Fortran, Java, and Pascal.
A third-generation programming language (3GL) is a high-level computer programming language that tends to be more machine-independent and programmer-friendly than the machine code of the first-generation and assembly languages of the second-generation, while having a less specific focus to the fourth and fifth generations. Examples of common and historical third-generation programming languages are ALGOL, BASIC, C, COBOL, Fortran, Java, and Pascal.
The solution or expression for each part is given below:
- int(s)
- s[len(s)-1]
- last.capitalize()+','+first.capitalize()
- str(x)
- s[5:]
Following are attached the images that show how these expressions will be used. I hope they will make the concept clear.
All the images below are respective to the questions given.
The ability of a firm to improve contribution margins (revenue-variable costs) as its sales volume increases. Infinite scalability can occur only when the variable cost of serving an additional customer is zero.
The best that I can do
Hope this helps : )