Answer: the audio using a low sampling rate the audio using a low bit depth
1. if the quality of the audio is low then the size of the audio will also be low and which will make the size of the data to be less and also easier to download
Answer: This is a python code
def lightyear():
rate=3*100000000 //speed of light
seconds=365*24*60*60 //number of seconds in 1 year
return str((rate*seconds)/1000)+" km" //distance=speed x time
print(lightyear()) //will print value of light hear in kilometers
9460800000000.0 km
In the above code, there is a variable rate, which stores the speed of light, i.e. distance traveled by light in 1 second which is in meters. Another variable is seconds, which store the number of seconds in 1 year, which is no of days in 1 year multiplied by the number of hours in a day multiplied by the number of minutes in an hour multiplied by the number of seconds in a minute. Finally, distance is speed multiplied by time, so distance is printed in kilometers and to convert distance in kilometers it is divided by 1000.
The internet because its world wide because our computers and everything are all inter twined making a world wide web Hope this helps
Tables are used to display information in a more arranged and organized manner.
Various ways of adding a row in an already existing table are:
1) By drawing a row in the table using the draw option.
2) By using the insert option under the Table Tools tab.
3) By designing the table with an added row using the Design tab.
In the insert option, go to the extreme right corner. There appears an option of Draw Table. Draw another row and it gets added.
This tab contains two tabs, Design and Layout that enable you to rapidly arrange your table, embed or erase lines and sections, set the arrangement for cells, and organization the typography of the content in your table.
Thus, a table and its capacity are built up from here on and open for designing.
steve is happy today but he wasn't yesterday