“Prepare a statement of the rights of the colonists, and of this province in particular, as men, as Christians, and as subjects; Prepare a declaration of the infringement of those rights; and Prepare a letter to be sent to all the towns of this province and to the world, giving the sense of this town.”
<span>They drafted, or conscripted, most of their troops. For the North, it was the first draft in U.S. history and not well received (see the New York Draft Riots). The Union draft also allowed men to pay others to take their place in the draft.
The Southern draft was enforced by the Confederate Home Guard, technically made up of men too old or too young to serve at the front. My ggggrandfather was a native of Winston County, Alabama, and was shot in the back when he refused the Home Guard's request that he report the Confederate Army. (Winston County, btw, tried to succeed from Alabama when Alabama succeeded from the Union earning it the name of the Free State of Winston.)
Early on, both sides filled their armies with volunteers. However, as the war went on and casulties mounted, volunteers became few and far between, resulting in the draft.
There were no mercenary units recruited by either the North or South to fill the armies. However, Union recruitment officers made a point to greet incoming immigrant ships and impress military-age immigrants into the army.</span>
Answer: It showed that progress was being made in defeating the South, and it helped persuade Union voters to re-elect Lincoln as President.
John Calhoun argued that the 1828 tariff helped the North at the expense of the South (c). This was the case because the tariff bolstered Northerner industrial markets but required Southerners to pay more for manufactured good.
"His heavenly will" indicates to listeners of her speech it is god who wishes.