Karen Thompson states that fear can actually guide us and instead of calling it fear, we should call it stories, because everyone is the readers and authors of their fears.
Karen Thompson Walker, one of the best selling author in one of her TED Talk 'What Fear Can Teach Us' propsed that fear can actually help us to prepare for the future events and make us more calm if we work at to listen to our fear.
Karen states that the right kind of fear can push our imagination. She says that a person should learn to reflect on thier fears rather than reacting. Every fear teaches us something, Karen wants us to ask this question as to 'Perhaps what this fear is teaching me?' and we have halfway conquered our fear.
July 28th commemorates the liberation of Peru from Spain by José de San Martin, the most famous liberator of Latin America aside from the Liberator himself, Simón Bolívar. ... Together these two days are called Las Fiestas Patrias
Radiation exposure can lead to skin cancer and other various types of cancers
I believe young Fredrick Douglass was a bit frightened and afraid to do anything but what he's told to do in his early years of life. He had seen his aunt be tortured and was scared to see that happen to himself so he stayed undercover for a long time.