The government is responsible for the up keep of public facility's since they are part of peoples every day lives, and people can not lead every day lives without access to them. As stated in the constitution the government must uphold life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, which means making sure citizens rights are upheld. Public facility's fall under life which makes the government responsible for the upkeep of public facility's. I hope this helps.
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) established in 1901, is the federal agency charged with the responsibility of creating information security standards and guidelines for use within the federal government and more broadly across industries.
Fictitious payee rule
Fictitious payee rule applies when a person cause an instrument to be issued to a person(payee) who has no valid reason to receive the payment or no interest in the instrument, this ensure forgery of the payee's name will then be effective to pass the instrument to the transferees later as we can see in the case of Maria, she included the name of her maid for the purpose of using the check for herself and not for the sake of Carolyn
Answer: Charlemagne recieved the title of Emperor, which caused tensions with the Emperor of the East
His approval rating was increased