During Radical Reconstruction blacks gained rights in the South that would have been unthinkable just decades earlier, and some were elected to office. Radical Reconstruction also saw the South's first publicly funded education system, economic development programs and anti-discrimination laws.
Martin Luther posted his Ninety-five Theses against papal indulgences, or the atonement of sins through monetary payment, on the door of the church at Wittenberg, Germany. ... As he expanded his critique into other areas of church policy and the conflict with Rome intensified.
The most important change in the US economy after the Civil War was the transformation from an agricultural society into an industrial society. Factors to be taken into account are: a large pool of labor thanks to constant immigration from abroad; access to massive amounts of raw materials such as timber, iron ore, oil; new inventions and technological advances; and the transcontinental rairoad that connected the East and the West coasts, facilitated the movement of items and people throughout the American terrritory. Growing urbanization and better living standards in cities are a result of industrialization.
guys I promise you its sewing machine because the sewing machine sewed the clothes while thy cotton gin only worked on the cotton not actual clothes. so the answer should be SEWING MACHINE.