1. The underlined word is an example of which rhetorical device?
Answer: repetition.
Repetition is a rhetorical device that appeals to clarify speech by constantly repeating a phrase or word at the beginning or end of each sentence, emphasizing the repeated word.
In this case, he constantly repeats that he will bring sad news, repeating this constantly appeals to the audience to perceive a feeling of sadness before listening to the news.
2. What mode of persuasion is Kennedy appealing to when he states that he had a member of his family killed by a white man?
Answer: ethos.
Ethos is one of the 3 pillars of persuasion. This type of persuasion discourse usually appeals to the emotional and moral side of the sender, who is described during the speech as someone similar to the listener.
Jonh F. Kennedy was well known for using this type of persuasion speech, where he was an honest person to the audience.
<em> hope this information can help you.</em>
Addetto alle vendite: Buongiorno signora.
Cliente: Buongiorno.
Addetto alle vendite: posso aiutarti con qualcosa?
Cliente: posso sapere dove troverò abiti da festa?
Addetto alle vendite: Certo signora.
Addetto alle vendite: Seguimi.
Cliente: ok.
Addetto alle vendite: eccoci qui!
Addetto alle vendite: qualcos'altro?
Cliente: Oh, grazie per avermelo chiesto.
Addetto alle vendite: grazie.
The following should be eliminated to create a formal tone in writing:
<em>1. Contractions- </em>Contractions refer to short forms, that combine a long word, or two words into one word, by using an apostrophe. Examples of contractions include shortening "would not" to "wouldn't", "cannot" to "can't", and "should have" to "should've". Contractions should be avoided in formal writing, since they are generally used informally and conversationally.
2. <em>Slang language</em>- Slang language refers to the use of informal and colloquial language. For instance, if you use words such as "Yo", "Bro", "Turnt", "Fleek", etc. Slang language must be avoided in formal writing, so that it does not deter from the effectiveness and tone of the text.
<em>3. Opinion statements</em>- In formal writing, objectivity is key, thus, opinion statements- which are subjective in nature- must be avoided. An example of an opinion statement would be: "The research study indicated that toddler boys are more aggressive than girls. However, I disagree with these findings."

Production Function is the functional relationship between inputs and output in a given state of technology.