TRUE(i) Martin Luther King was assassinated in Memphis.
TRUE(ii) Abraham Lincoln was the 18th president of the USA.
FALSE(iii) The Son, in the story ‘The Crow on the Window’, asked the same question to his father four times.
(A little after, the Father again asked his Son the 4th time, “What is this?” This time the Son shouted at his Father)
TRUE(vi) We should always try to comprehend God.
FALSE(v) The real name of Akshay Kumar is Rajiv Kumar.
(Akshay Kumar, original name Rajiv Hari Om Bhatia)
Brainly if I earned it. Have a happy day
Write a poem about your brother
me lol
pls mark me brainliest :)
The correct answer for this question is this one:
In the Column field, enter the number of columns as 2.
Select the Border checkbox.<span>
Enter a name for the table in the Name field.
In the Row field, enter the number of rows as 4.
Select the Heading checkbox.
Select Table from the Insert menu.
Click OK to close the dialog box.
Hope this helps answer your question and have a nice day ahead.
Era o zi frumoasa de 5 septembrie. Soarele patea puternic.
Ma pregateam sa merg in parc cu bunicu. Ne indreptam spre statia de troleibuz 70. In dreum am vazut anunturi pe care scriau : SIMFONII DE TOAMNA VOR AVEA UN CONCERT PE DATA DE 5 SEPTEMBRIE LA ORA 18:00. LOCUL DESFASURII ESTE LA ROSETI IN AER LIBER . INTRAREA ESTE LIBERA. Atunci spus bunicului sa mergem la acest concert.
Concertul incepuse cu 2 min inainte. Aici am asculta muzica de GEORGE ENESCU. Mi.a placut toate melodiile pe care cantat.
La sfarsit am facut cunostinta cu dirijor pe care il chema(alegi tu) si cu canteretii sai .
Ciar a fost un concert de minune.