Hello profile picture of a nub how are you doing today?
The program to the given statement can be defined as follows:
//header file
#include <stdio.h> //defining header file
int main() //defining main method
int k; //defining integer variable k
for (k=1;k<=97;k++) //defining for loop
printf("*"); //print value asterisks
return 0;
Firstly, the headers file is included in the above C-language, and then the main method is described and all computations are performed with this method, which can be described as follows:
- Inside the main method, an integer variable k is declared.
- In the next line, the for loop is declared, which uses the variable k, which starts from 1 and ends when the value of k is less than equal to 97, inside the loop, it will print asterisks.
Both in my personal and professional life, I use the Excel software in order to create tables and lists. It's much easier to do that in Excel rather than in Word, for example, because Excel was actually created for that purpose, whereas Word was created for writing, above all. I use Excel for work to create tables of various things, such as names, emails, payments, etc. whereas I use it in my personal life to create lists of things such as movies, books, etc.