50 years old is when most people lose their teeth
1.) Excersising opens your pores and helps alot with stress because you are loosening up.
2.) Breathing excersises are very good for stress because when you do them it helps you calm down.
3.) Same as breathing excersises, meditation helps you calm down and lessens stress.
4.) Socializes is very good to help stress, talking about your problems can help you and your peers in many spectacular ways.
5.) taking breaks are ver important. This is because if you dont do so things can get out of hand, and you will just increase the stress.
Explanation: '^-'^-^'
There are numerous ways it effects your body, it <span>controls weight by burning calories, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, placing a lower strain on the heart, and increases an athlete's energy level while improving the quality of sleep.</span>
There are certain toxins and simulators that trigger a "relaxed" feeling
Spinning is indoor cycling