Ripened ovary turns into fruit and ovules turn into seeds.
According to the levels of organization in the body, the level of organization in which proteins, like collagen, are found is the molecular level, allowing the structural support and the performance of other essential functions.
Proteins are biological macromolecules, polymers of units called amino acids. These molecules belong to the molecular level of organization in living organisms.
The level of organization where proteins are found allows them:
- <em>Form an essential part of cells.</em>
- <em>Contribute to the construction of tissues and organs.</em>
- <em>Participate in metabolic reactions, as enzymes. </em>
- <em>Defense of the organism, in the form of antibodies.</em>
- <em>Regulation of vital functions, forming hormones.</em>
Other functions of proteins are to integrate the cell membranes and perform transport function, to form receptors and to be an energy reserve.
The Sun's rays warm our world, stir air and ocean currents, and catalyze chemical reactions in the atmosphere. The Sun-warmed surface evaporates water to form rain clouds that redistribute fresh water around the world. And sunlight is essential for most life forms that live at Earth's surface.