C. Surface proteins.
Viral infection begins when proteins on the surface of a virion bind to specific receptor proteins on the surface of host cells.
El rey Ródgar, gobernante de los daneses, está preocupado por los ataques de un demonio llamado Gréndel. Cada noche, Gréndel asalta la lujosa sala de banquetes del rey, llamada Hérot, mata guerreros daneses e incluso a veces se los come. Ródgar fue un gran guerrero en su época, pero ahora es un rey anciano que no parece poder proteger a su gente. Afortunadamente, un guerrero gauta llamado Beowulf viaja a la mansión de Hérot desde sus tierras al otro lado del mar para echarle una mano, literalmente.
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The main themes in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas are innocence, friendship, and human nature. Innocence: Bruno and Shmuel exhibit a childlike innocence. Bruno is largely ignorant of the horrors of the Holocaust, even when he becomes friends with a concentration camp inmate.
The detective has suspected the possibility of foul play.
Note the word "possibility", which means that there is a chance of it occurring, but it is not 100% certain. Therefore, <em>suspected </em>is your best answer choice, as it means <em>having an idea of the existence, without certain proof</em>.