Select the Ocean Basemap (Esri) from the Basemap drop-down menu at the top right. Also select the Regional Bathymetric Contours
from the Options drop-down menu. Locate the divergent boundary that runs between the continents of South America and Africa. This boundary is known as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Explore this boundary in the location where the two continents are closest, and zoom in until you can easily read the contour lines on the topographic map. Note that the numbers on the contour lines represent the depth of the ocean floor and are always positive. For example, 7,000 meters is deeper than 3,000 meters. Place your cursor or mouse in various locations along the plate boundary, and read the elevation in the map key at the bottom left. The elevation numbers can be negative, unlike the contour lines, so they will become more negative as the sea floor becomes deeper.
Gather information along this boundary and describe how the divergent motion of theses tectonic plates has shaped Earth’s features along this boundary. Provide evidence to support your answer.
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The land that is closer around the boundary is higher in the ocean than the ocean floor that further away from it. I can prove this because the numbers that are around or on the boundary is 3000, while the ones further out are 5000. The divergent motion of these tectonic plates has shaped Earth's features because when the boundaries move together, the land goes up.
The rate of energy coming from the Sun changes slightly day to day. .It has been suggested that changes in solar output might affect our climate—both directly, by changing the rate of solar heating of the Earth and atmosphere, and indirectly, by changing cloud forming processes.
The axial tilt angle affects climate largely by determining which parts of the earth get more sunlight during different stages of the year Likewise, during winter for the northern hemisphere, there would be fewer hours of daylight because the northern hemisphere would essentially be pointed away from the sun.
If an asteroid were to strike land or a shallow body of water, it would eject an enormous amount of dust, ash, and other material into the atmosphere, blocking the radiation from the Sun. This would cause the global temperature to decrease drastically.
The Sun's irradiance has its greatest effect on Earth's upper atmosphere, while the lower atmosphere insulates Earth from the increased heat. If the Sun were driving Earth's warming, one would expect to see that upper atmosphere getting increasingly hot.\
Small, highly concentrated cell organelles that produce proteins are called <span>ribosomes. Ribosomes can be free-floating or attached to endoplasmic reticulum.</span>