Information reach
Information reach is the amount of different people an information or advert is able to get to and also what fraction of these individuals fall into the audience to which an information or ad is targeted.
A general measure of reach for a Website is its amount of "unique visitors per month." For example, supposing an advert banner campaign was tailored to car owners. If the Website visited got a unique visitors of 100,000 a month where 90% of the audience are car owners, an advertisement campaign on such the site would reach 90,000 diverse car owners in a one-month run.
C.a person's freedom tocommunicate your opinions and ideas through action and public display
The Novruz, also spelled Nowruz, is a national, international and ethnic holiday. The holiday is celebrated by people mostly living on the Eurasian continent. Countries such as Iran, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Syria, Turkey, Georgia, Albania, Iraq, Russia, and Uzbekistan all have a significant population that celebrate Novruz. Novruz is celebrated annually on March 19, 20, or 21. This day marks the Spring Equinox- the day when the equator passes through the Sun’s center. This occurrence marks the beginning of the Iranian New Year (the first day of the first month Farvardin). Novruz has an Iranian origin rooted in the Zoroastrian religion.
According to the epic poem Shahnameh, Novruz was founded by the Iranian king Jamshid who saves all living things from a deadly winter. Novruz customs include cleaning the home, wearing your best clothing, buying clothes for the new year, gathering around the Haft sin table to eat, and Amu Nowruz bringing gifts for children.