La captación de clientes implica estrategias para lograr que los clientes vayan a nuestro canal físico o web. Lo más iportante en una estrategia de retención es cumplir con las promesas hechas durante la captación.
Se pueden aplicar acciones como consultara a los clientes si están satisfechos con el producto o el servicio, darle información sobre prroductos relacionados y ofrecerle ofertas periodocamente.
Las estrategias de fidelización atravé de un canal web incluyen los mensajes de bienvenida, las llamadas telefónicas demostrando agradecimiento por su interés y ofreciendo consejos para una mejor experiencia con el producto.
Albert Bandura's notion that people are affected by their environment but can also influence that environment is known as reciprocal determinism. It is an idea that the influence of the children and the environment they are in is a two way flow. The environment would affect the child and the child would likewise affect the environment.
Answer: B.The mountains in this area contribute to sudden
I think that a good answer here is "selling": a market economy is also said to be determined by supply and demand, which means that the people who produce and sell make decisions about what is available (supply) and this interacts with the decisions of the buyers (demand).
Because periods of economic growth are often triggered by increases in aggregate demand, such as a rise in consumer spending, but sustained growth must involve an increase in output. If output does not increase, any extra demand will push up the price level. To prevent inflation in economy, we need sustainable economic growth. Sustainable economic growth means a rate of growth which can be maintained without creating other significant economic problems, especially for future generations.