The right chronological order is:
The 1)Constitutional Convetion, in which the 2)Articles of Confederation were drafted, but had to be replaced because they made the federal government too weak and ineffective.
The 3)Federalist Papers were then written by James Madison and Alexander Hamilton, in order to promote the new constiution, which was ratified (4)Ratification of the Constitution).
However, the Anti Federalists were skeptical of the new constitution, and to gain their support, the 5)Bill of Rights was added.
They won the war and paid Mexico
The correct answer is ''a group comparison study.''
The group comparison study is the study of a group of people or organizations that have not participated in a public intervention, which is compared with a group that has participated, in order to analyze the net effects of the intervention. Whatever the mode of selection of the comparison group, its characteristics should be as similar as possible to those of the direct recipients. To do this correctly, the specific characteristics of each group must be described in depth at the beginning of the study.
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