B. daily. It is very unlikely you will do well in a class if you only study once a month or week..
While the agricultural, slave-based Southern economy was devastated by the war, the Northern economy benefited from development in many of its industries, including textile and iron production. The war also stimulated the growth of railroads, improving transportation infrastructure.
Carl Jung
He called them archetype.
Archetypes are inherent, universal pre-conscious psychic provisions forming a substratum for the emergence of the fundamental themes of human existence, they are elements of a community of unconscious individuals and serve to organize, guide and advise the reasoning and conduct of the person. Psychotherapist Carl Gustav Jung suggested that the persona of all comprises four main archetypal components. These are models for our behaviour, influencing our way of thinking and doing. Jung classified the self, persona, shadow and Anima /Animus as these archetypes.