It’s a lot of reading sorry can’t help you but try your best too
Information/knowledge resources
The process of looking for answers to questions that will lead to improved knowledge about a subject is known as an inquiry. The theories of enquiry includes abduction, induction, and deduction
An inquiry can provide the reasoning behind observation by making use of the theories of inquiry and sources that provide answers (information) about the (interrelated) events of the inquiry
Therefore, information and knowledge resources are the people, materials, and places, which can be in the printed, verbal, appearance form that have the capacity to proffer answers to inquiries
Since the question expect us to declare a C-string, the solution code is written in C as follows:
- char ssn[9];
- scanf("%s",ssn);
A C-String is a string written in C language. It is an array of characters. To declare a C-string, we use the keyword, <em>char </em>and then followed with the variable name + brackets and the number of characters in the string. For example, we can create a C-String for the SSN number as in Line 1.
To read standard input into the array, we can use C built-in function, <em>scanf(). </em>Just include a string placeholder, %s, and the variable<em> ssn </em>as arguments to <em>scanf()</em>. This will assign the string input by user to variable <em>ssn</em> as C-String.
A tornado happens when you mix cold with hot
Some hardware requirement: Monitor, keyboard, mouse, sound card, memory, processor, graphics display card. Some software requirement: Windows XP/Vista, Video for Windows, Quicktime.