from address
To address
Date- ....
Subject- Request to borrow book
dear ....
i wanted to request you if i could borrow your book called .... . my friends told me that it is a very interesting book. I know that you love the book but i so badly want to read it. I request you to lend me the book. i promise you that i will keep it in perfect condition. i would be very thankful if u lent me the book.
Yours sincerely,
An illustration shows you exactly what the book is trying to portray by using pictures or descriptive text. An illusion can be used to deceive someone or something into making it look like it is something else.
I think it is a mystery, if you don't think so then I think the other possible answer is tension
to you fht and the you get a
Hamlet Act 1 Scene 2
This speech reveals that Hamlet abhorred his uncle and mother's marriage immediately after the death of his father. They could not even pay some respects to the dead by waiting some time before marrying. In his heart, he questioned the reason for the hurry.
Though he could not clearly form the reason for the hurried marriage, he suspected that Claudius and his mother married so quickly to close the done deal of active participation in the murder of his father.
The Tragedy of Hamlet is a play authored by William Shakespeare (1599 and 1601). As Shakespeare's longest play, it was written to highlight the painfulness and misery of human life in the face of doubt and uncertainty. Hamlet teaches us that acting shamefully only leads to more shame and regret.