United Kingdom
The UK has a lot of small earthquakes, so it has the highest risk of earthquakes
Two things that increased american interchanges in the late 1800s were "b. the telegraph and telephone," since both of these creations significantly accelerated correspondence and made it more productive.
Answer: Indentured servants
Although it was quite an imperfect system, which was subject to diverse kinds of abuse, indentured servitude was one way by which some early settlers were admitted into America in a bid to address the problem of labor shortages.
Indentured servants (individual or family) would voluntarily offer to serve under a labor contract for a period of two to seven years, or even more, based on many factors in order to join a vessel heading to America since they cannot afford the funds to pay for the voyage.
As president Andrew Jackson sent them away, leading to the trail of tears to gain the land. they were better off in Indian territory because the land was then his to control.
Resolved, that this Congress will apply to His Majesty for a redress of grievances under which his faithful subjects in America labor; and assure him that the colonies hold in abhorrence the idea of being considered independent communities on the British government, and most ardently desire the establishment of a political union, not only among themselves but with the mother state, upon chose principles of safety and freedom which are essential in the constitution of all free governments, and particularly that of the British legislature.