When the fish is put into fresh water, suddenly the concentration around them is very low and the water potential is extremely high. Water will now move from the relatively high water potential in the water to the relatively low water potential in the cells, the cells start to burst and the fish dies.
Proteins are broken down by the enzymes pepsin and peptidase, and by hydrochloric acid. Lipids are broken down by lipases.
The double-helix shape of DNA.
CFCs are Chlorofluorocarbon substances used in refrigerants (subtances used to keep other things cold) and in aerosol products.
they are both relatively nontoxic(nonpoisonous) and nonflammabale - at least as compared to alternatives.
They are rather volatile - they are not very stable. Therefore it does not make sense to say that they are strong - the correct answer is then strength.
Muscles pull on joints, which allows us to move. They also assist the body in performing tasks such as chewing and transporting food through the digestive system. Even when we sit absolutely motionless, our muscles are continually moving throughout our bodies.