It could be a yes or no... to me because you try something you did try an put your work in to it when it was hard work.... I agree because you always try when you do something... if it can't be proven at least you tried on it
however the Question is not clear, but, the geosphere is defined as the natural environment we live in. it also controls the minerals distribution, soils and rocks and generate natural hazards that shape the land and impact the lives on earth.
The flower would be Genotype
4. Variations that help with survival will be passed on to future generations and will rapidly change the whole population.
Variations that help with survival MAY be passed on to future generations, depending on how much pressure that variation relieves. Change may not be rapid, depending on how fecund the species is. Also, it will not change the whole population, only future offspring. The current offspring won't all have the new variation.
The two major systems involved in the stress response are the Nervous System [the Sympathetic subdivision of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)] and the Endocrine System (glands which secrete hormones intonthe bloodstream).
The Endocrine System's response during acute and/or chronic stress (adaptation) involves first the Hypothalamic release of Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone (CRH), which stimulates the Anterior Pituitary (via the blood) to release AdrenoCorticoTropic Hormone (ACTH), which then activates the Adrenal Cortex to release glucocorticoid hormones (i.e. Cortisol), amongst others into the bloodstream. Cortisol then has many effects on tissues and organs throughout the body to allow better generalized coping with the initial stress stimulus.