Unconditioned Response
Unconditioned response is an automatic reflex that occur in response to an unconditioned stimulus. The response are natural and innate and are often not learnt.
The response of the chopper by salivation at the sound of the CD is unconditioned, it is a reflex action that occur due to an action that was taken which was the sound of CD.
They did not learn the action but they know how to respond because it is innate.
When an individual salivate to a nice smell of food it is unconditioned response, the response was triggered by the action and it is a reflex.
huh?? haylabyou hahahahah
Mountains were a barrier for settlers travelling in North America
The most difficult task confronting many Southerners during Reconstruction was devising a new system of labor to replace the shattered world of slavery. The economic lives of planters, former slaves, and nonslaveholding whites, were transformed after the Civil War.
There are several things that they did, such as
-- Building missios and pessidios within the region
- Handlig the Anglo immigrants to the region by promising them with new prospect of natural resources
- Sending troops to handle the east texas region as an effort to prevent Mexico's intention from gaining their own independence from the Spnish.