a. misinformation effect
Misinformation effect: In psychology, the term "misinformation effect" is described as a phenomenon in which an individual's recall-related to episodic memories tends to become less accurate or precise due to the "post-event information". However, when he or she receives any new information generally works backwards in "time" in order to distort the memories related to the actual or original event.
In the question above, the given statement signifies the misinformation effect.
The commonwealth of Nations is an organisation uniting the former members of the British Empire: so the answer is: the British Empire.
Some, but not all (16 out of 50) of the countries of the Commonwealth recognize Queen Elisabeth II as their monarch.
Answer The cause of the rift or issue between the government of Egypt and Ethiopia is the construction of:
b) an Ethiopian dam to produce hydroelectric power.
Explanation: This dam is known as the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), it is dam which is under construction since 2011 in Ethiopia. The dam is been constructed on the river Nile. The disagreement is concerning the blockage or the reduction in the flow of the river Nile towards Egypt which would affect their water intake because Egypt relies on the downstream flow of the river Nile to a basin to provide them a source of fresh water.
It increased it's population