A. England
The head of government in a country with a parliamentary or the office essentially developed in Britain int the 18th century.
Justinian I – Emperor who ruled the Eastern Ro- man Empire, or Byzantine Empire, from 527–565 ce and ordered all Roman law compiled into a multi-part work referred to as the compilation of Justinian and later named the Corpus iuris civilis.
During the second Virginia Convention at St. John´s Church in Richmond in 1775, Patrick Henry, an American attorney and orator, gave a speech saying the words “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death”, with these words he was encouraging people to defend themselves from Great Britain. If people wanted liberty they will have to fight for it, during the fight you might die but life without liberty have no sense so give me liberty or give me death.
Answer: Royal court spent too much. France was too indepted. France supported American independence against the British (also expensive) and lost its colony New France (Treaty of Paris, 1763). Immediately before the revolution poverty was extreme because of the climate (harsh winter).
Explanation: There were many external factors that worsened condition of common people in France (the Third state).