What Judy represents to Dexter is the epitome of "glittering things and glittering people" Dexter creats His "winter Dream" around Judy. Dexter finds Judy exciting, exquisite and cannot be cured of his illusions about Judy despite the fact that Judy flirts with other Men and is only with Him because He is rich.
Judy had an unpricipled personality. but still Dexter surrounded a part of His personality to Her. After Dexter has made a fortune, Him and Judy met again but Judy learn't He is rich and then showers Him with kisses but still flirts with other men
After Dexter got engaged to Irene, He meets Judy one night because Irene had a headache and by then Judy had retuned from Florida and seeme Humble. She said to Dexter; i cannot be happy " i 'd like to marry you, if you' ll have me Dexter". This statement made Dexter to be carried away by His dream and commits Himself to His dream. but it was only a short time before the marriage was over.
The first two. Just as our national policy in internal affairs and so our national policy in foreign affairs.
were been
2 to have had had
3 to do did done
4 to say said said
5 to go went gone
6 to get got got / gotten
7 to make made made
8 to know knew known
9 to think thought thought
10 to take took taken
11 to see saw seen
12 to come came come
13 to want wanted wanted
14 to look looked looked
15 to use used used
16 to find found found
17 to give gave given
18 to tell told told
19 to work worked worked
20 to call called called
21 to try tried tried
22 to ask asked asked
23 to need needed needed
24 to feel felt felt
25 to become became become
Doctor should be capitalized.
Douglass did not know the days of the month or months of the year.
i just did it