Moderately Priced Dishes, I say this because I would say most people want a dish that's affordable. They don't want a 5 star dish, if they want to eat something, then why not get something affordable rather than something not only fancy but expensive?
Career Summary and Goals: A description of what you stand for (such as work ethic, organizational interests, management philosophy, etc.) and where you see yourself in two-to-five years.
Professional Philosophy/Mission Statement: A short description of the guiding principles that drive you and give you purpose.
Resume: A summary of your education, achievements, and work experience, using a chronological or functional format.
Skills, Abilities and Marketable Qualities: A detailed examination of your skills and experience. This section should include the name of the skill area; the performance or behavior, knowledge, or personal traits that contribute to your success in that skill area; and your background and specific experiences that demonstrate your application of the skill.
List of Accomplishments: A detailed listing that highlights the major accomplishments in your career to date. Accomplishments are one of the most important elements of any good job search.
Samples of Your Work: A sampling of your best work, including reports, papers, studies, brochures, projects, presentations, etc.
Testimonials and Letters of Recommendations: A collection of any kudos you have received — from customers, clients, colleagues, past employers, professors, etc. Some experts even suggest including copies of favorable employer evaluations and reviews.
Awards and Honors: A collection of certificates of awards, honors, and scholarships.
Conference and Workshops: A list of conferences, seminars, and workshops you’ve participated in and/or attended.
Transcripts, Degrees, Licenses, and Certifications: A description of relevant courses, degrees, licenses, and certifications.
Professional Development Activities: A listing of professional associations and conferences attended – and any other professional development activities.
Military records, awards, and badges: A listing of your military service, if applicable.
Volunteering/Community Service: A description of any community service activities, volunteer or pro bono work you have completed, especially as it relates to your career.
References List: A list of three to five people (including full names, titles, addresses, and phone/e-mail) who are willing to speak about your strengths, abilities, and experience.
Lenses don't affect compression at all. The only thing that affects compression is DISTANCE from subject.
A. Shapes can be either geometric or organic
gray has no opposite color. It doesn't exist on the color wheel, and therefore it has no corresponding color on the other side of the wheel.