Word size used to be 8 bits (1 byte), but nowadays the most comment unit size is 64 bits on most computer components such as CPU or RAM, or Bus
Word is set of bits acts as a single unit of data processed by microprocessor. hope this helps you :)
Most functionality criteria include: Track record and Experience: The Procuring Entity – either Public or Private Sector – wants to know how many years' experience the bidders have in executing similar contracts providing the goods and/or services you are proposing. The more experience you have the better and alternative word are a proposition or situation offering a choice between two or more things only one of which may be chosen. 2a : one of two or more things, courses, or propositions to be chosen. b : something which can be chosen instead. in the alternative.
Technology is what makes up the world. It makes life easier, and technology has been around since humans were first evolved. Our questionative behavior is what separates us from other animals. Our need for more is what runs humankind. Using technology to gain more, our kind becomes smarter, which is why we dominate other species. Technology millions of years ago could be a club to kill prey for food, and now, it is how we order essentials. Technology is an easier way to gain something, and since technology is all over the world, humankind will always have their need and want for more.