Lord of the Flies explained some things that we now see today, such as leading or being the follower and being good and evil. There are something's I'd like to point out though, which is the fact that the kids were between ages of 6 and 12 I believe, and they had no grown up. They were thriving to surive with food and shelter. They had no one to tell them to do, and they were lost in control, which then leads them to do the unbelievable. So answering your question, the message is relevant.
Here are the answers to the given sentences above:-No one answered the ad but me. It is used as PREPOSITION.-There is but one choice to make in this case. It is used as an ADVERB.-Sadie said she would go but she had to bring her sister. It is used as a CONJUNCTION
<span>his allusion to Dixie Howell is to comfort Jem since he loves football so much.
<em>Foot-in-the-door technique</em> is a compliance tactic that aims at getting a person to agree to a large request by having them agree to a modest request first. The principle involved is that a small agreement creates a bond between the requester and the requestee.
To read minds so I can see what peoples true thoughts are