A, because of the cataracts.
The cataracts made the river too dangerous to travel in as the rock filled rapids would destroy the boat, and destroy them.
La Reseña es un texto de carácter expositivo y argumentativo que se caracteriza por críticar algún objeto, documento o investigación.
Además cabe resaltar que está también suele brindar una interpretación, una evaluación o un vistazo a la cosa, conforme al criterio o ideología que tenga el autor en mente e incluso puede valorarla y hacer un sistema de apreciación para el público lector.
The Heian Period (794 – 1185 CE) is considered Japan's “Golden Age,” a high point in Japanese culture that greatly influenced art and architecture. ... The central role of ritual in Japanese Esoteric Buddhism led to a flourishing of the religious arts in the Heian period.
During the great depression, millions of us workers lost their jobs. more than 200,000 evictions took place, as renters could not pay their bills. those fortunate enough got their hours cut back. there were jobs available, but with so many people unemployed there was fierce competition. available jobs included servants, clerks, textile factories or railroad companies. fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultra nationalism characterized by dictatorial power. the ideas of fascism rose because of the economic depression, the fear of communism and the rise of nazi germany. socialism is a political theory which advocates the means of production, distribution and exchange should be regulated by the community. the people wanted more power. communism is the idea that all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. they wanted to produce better and cheaper products.