Julius Caesar was born on July 100bc.
The Industrial Revolution led to imperialism in Africa in the mid-1800s; the 1st Euro's to explore the interior of Africa were missionaries & explorers; reports of large deposits of natural resources & the rise of nationalism in Europe set off a race for African colonies. Europeans introduced new technologies like railroads, telegraph lines, & steamboats...but transportation routes only connected areas that benefited European businessman; Europeans brought an end to the slave trade but Africans were paid low wages & exploited. Europeans built schools, churches, & hospitals...but Africans were taught European culture; Europeans profited off Africa's raw materials & cheap African labor; Africans were unable to rule themselves, participate in voting, or learn professional skills
The ancient Egyptians built the Pyramids of Giza by hauling massive stone blocks across the desert and stacking them on top of each other to form a pyramid.
"a. full Congressional representation" is not granted to people living in U.S. territories, although it should be noted that these people often still hold primaries for elected officials.