Cleaning/ sterilizing can get rid of pathogens (diseases) everything including tools such as a scalpel has many pathogens or germs on it and if that is spread to other patients there will be a spread of the diseases. there are many portals of entry such as the nose or mouth. if you are at the dentist and are getting a teeth cleaning, the dental hygienist uses multiple tools to clean your mouth. if they don’t clean the tool, the persons germs from before will get into your mouth and cause illness. the dental assistants sterilize the tools so they can be used again in the next patient. sterilization deeply cleans the tool and removes all pathogens so the doctor, dentist, etc… can use the tool on other patients. hope that helped :)
Cleaning physically removes germs, dirt, and impurities from surfaces or objects by using soap (or detergent) and water. This can decreases the chances of someone getting sick when they use the tool(s).