B. An incoming charged tRNA binds to this site.
This is part of a process called TRANSLATION, in which mRNA is translated into proteins by the ribosomes, it comprises 3 stages: Initiation, Elongation, and Termination.
The A site is part of the ribosome, which has 1 binding site for mRNA and 3 binding sites for tRNA: A: Aminoacyl or acceptor site; P: Peptidyl; E: Exit, and it´s involved in ELONGATION, where it binds to the Aminoacyl tRNA (charged tRNA), that has the aminoacid that´s going to be added.
Every fossil tells us something about the age of the rock it's found in, and index fossils are the ones that tell us the most. Index fossils (also called key fossils or type fossils) are those that are used to define periods of geologic time
<span>Food molecules like lipids, proteins and polysaccharides are broken down enzymatically via digestion process, which occurs in our intestine cells (digestive system). Those large polymeric molecules are broken down into their monomer subunits—proteins into amino acids, polysaccharides into sugars, and fats into fatty acids and glycerol. Formed small organic molecules are now ready for the oxidation (a process that produces ATP and consumes O2) which occurs partly in the cytosol and in the mitochondrion. Oxidation processes include glycolysis and citric acid cycle which are differently required in different tissues. Nervous system (nerve cells) rely almost entirely on a constant supply of <span>glucose<span> from the bloodstream. In contrast, liver cells supply glucose to actively contracting muscle system which needs a lot of ATP energy.</span></span></span>
Pepsin is one of three principal protein-degrading enzymes in the
digestive system, the other two being chymotrypsin and trypsin. During
the process of digestion, these enzymes collaborate to break down
dietary proteins to their components, i.e., peptides and amino acids.
b)1 unicellular- means one cell