The symptoms indicate jaundice ,which is due to immaturity of the liver.
This condition is known as Hyperbilirubinemia.
During pregnancy ,the bilirubin is removed from the baby's blood by the placenta. When the baby is born, this function is taken over by the liver of the baby.
Bilirubin can accumulate in blood ,fluid and tissues, if the liver is not functioning properly or has some infection. Since Bilirubin has a pigment it causes the yellowish tinge in skin and eyes, the condition which is known as Jaundice.
The Jaundice which occurs within the very first few days of child birth is known as Physiologic jaundice. Low levels of Bilirubin are not a major concern, but measures should be taken so that Bilirubin does not increase to dangerous levels.
PID which stands for pelvic inflammatory diseis
It sounds most like a generalized anxiety disorder but there could also be some OCD in there.
Gaining less than the recommended amount of weight in pregnancy is associated with delivering a baby who is too small. Some babies born too small may have difficulty starting breastfeeding, may be at increased risk for illness, and may experience developmental delays. Gaining more than the recommended amount of weight in pregnancy is associated with having a baby who is born too large, which can lead to delivery complications, cesarean delivery, and obesity during childhood. Gaining more than the recommended amount of weight can also increase the amount of weight you hold on to after pregnancy, which can lead to obesity.
Depending on the food item yes eat light!!!! no matter what the day of that sporting event eat as light as you can