American social welfare, thanks to Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the Social Security Act of 1935, is furthered currently by two major categories of cash support programs: social insurances and public assistance.1 Social insurances are based on the prior earnings and payroll contributions of an individual, while public assistance, commonly known as “welfare,” is based on the financial need of an individual. The primary social insurance programs today in America are Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance, Unemployment Insurance, and Workers Compensation.
Option 2 - Images showed the sun god Aten and realistic depictions of the royal family.
<span>Do not hurt others in ways you would find hurtful.
Basically, Treat others as you would want to be treated </span>
In the allegory of the cave Plato tries to tell us that human can think, speak and do a lot of other things with no awareness of true realm of these forms.
In the allegory of the cave the prisoners can only see and hear shadows and echoes produced by objects which are invisible to them. In this case, they can mistake appearance for reality. This is to mean they will take the shadows to be real not knowing real causes of those shadows. The meaning is that terms used in our language are not names of physical objects that we see but names of things we can not see, but only grasp with our minds.
Hope this helps!