Enzymes are proteins that act as catalysts. The shape of enzymes can be altered by changes
in pH or temperature. Explain how this change of shape affects the function of the enzyme.
The answer is C decomposition
woman dd, man Dd
Polydactyly is a dominant trait that results in extra fingers and toes in humans. A man with polydactyly marries a woman with 10 fingers and toes. They have a child that has a normal number of digits. The phenotype of the man's father is unknown, but his mother has a normal phenotype. What are the genotypes of the married couple? (D = polydactyly allele; d = wild type allele)
The correct answer is option (A) partial-mix aerated lagoon.
Partial mix lagoons are used to treat municipal, agricultural and industrial wastewater. In these lagoons, the aeration is provided by either mechanical surface aerators or submerged diffused aeration system. The submerged systems include the perforated tubing or piping with a variety of diffusers attached to it. Mechanical aeration provides dissolved oxygen needed for the aerobic organisms in the lagoon for the conversion and oxidation of organic material in the wastewater. The depth of the lagoon is up to 20 feet.
Se considera que la máquina analítica de Babbage fue la primera computadora de la historia. Un diseño inicial plenamente funcional de ella fue terminado en 1835. Sin embargo, debido a problemas similares a los de la máquina diferencial, la máquina analítica nunca fue terminada por Charles. En 1842, para obtener la financiación necesaria para realizar su proyecto, Babbage contactó con sir Robert Peel. Peel lo rechazó, y ofreció a Babbage un título de caballero que fue rechazado por Babbage. Lady Ada Lovelace, matemática e hija de Lord Byron, se enteró de los esfuerzos de Babbage y se interesó en su máquina. Promovió activamente la máquina analítica, y escribió varios programas para la máquina analítica.