When one shape can become another using only Turns, Flips and/or Slides, then the two shapes are Congruent. Two shapes are Similar when we need to Resize for one shape to become another (we may also Turn, Flip and/or Slide). So, when one shape can become another using transformation, the two shapes might be Congruent or just Similar?
By definition we have to: In mathematics, the inverse multiplicative, reciprocal or inverse of a non-zero number x, is the number, denoted as 1/x or x -1, which multiplied by x gives 1. We have then:
1) i The multiplicative inverse is: Rewriting we have: Answer 3) -i
2) i^2 The multiplicative inverse is: Rewriting we have: Answer 4) -1
3) i^3 The multiplicative inverse is: Rewriting we have: Answer 1) i
4) i^4 The multiplicative inverse is: Rewriting we have: Answer 2) 1