Colonization ruptured many ecosystems, bringing in new organisms while eliminating others. The Europeans brought many diseases with them that decimated Native American populations. Colonists and Native Americans alike looked to new plants as possible medicinal resources.
The Revolution of Texas (October 2, 1835-April 21, 1836) was a revolt by U.S. colonists and Tejanos (Texas Mexicans) to bring up armed resistance to Mexico's centralist rule.
The Texas Revolution, also known as the War of Texas Independence, was fought between Mexico and Texas colonists from October 1835 to April 1836, resulting in Texas' independence from Mexico and the creation of the Republic of Texas (1836-45).
A. The mainland was not badly damaged and the war industries were turned into production sites for the production of goods for the increasing population.
B. Advancement in technology and increase in consumer's spending.
This period was the post WW II era in the 1950's, It was a period that brought about the speedy growth in the economy prosperity of the U.S. This was due to the low damaged the war caused on the country and the bad damage that was done to other super powers of the world who were the major supplier of goods before the war.
Moreover, there was massive growth in the population which resulted into high demand for goods there by leading into massive production wish in return lead to an economy boom because the war industries were turned into production sites to produce goods.
It was a period that was tagged "BABY BOOM" where the economy grew by 37% and brought about high spending by consumer due to availability of jobs that resulted into high wages.
Because he was the first african american to play major league baseball