The loan that offers the lowest interest rate is federal student loan. Payday loan and private loan have higher interest rate relatively which can increase the future worth of the money borrowed. if the interest would have been lower, then the future worth or the money to be paid in the future would be less
The journal entry is shown below:
Cash A/c Dr $768,000
Service Charge Expense A/c $32,000
To Accounts Receivable A/c $800,000
(Being the cash is received and the remaining balance is debited to the cash account )
The computation of the service charge expense is shown below:
= Accounts Receivable × service charge percentage
= $800,000 × 4%
= $32,000
The forming stage includes a time of direction and acclimating. Uncertainty is high during this stage, and individuals are searching for leadership and authority. A member who declares authority or is educated might be hoped to take control.
A) money is the scarce resource because you only have enough money for one item
B) movie or pizza
$0.05m + $50>55
0.05 per minute plus $50 per month for the plan less than $55