It’s important to know the history of our world to know things for the future and to know the roots of our world and how things started.
The New South movement was an effort by southern leaders to integrate the South more fully with the rest of the US and to do away with the old plantation-based economy. It largely failed to gain significant momentum in terms of race relations and economic development by WWI.
The Three-Fifths Compromise in the United States Constitution addressed the issue of slavery
Hope it helps
- Maddy
The citizens had to feed and house the soliders no matter what.
Many citizens could not afford to house multiple grown men who required food, water, and shelter whuichwas in short supply for many low-income households.
The boycott and protest was led by Martin Luther King Jr and this was because of the discrimination of a black lady called Rosa Parks in a bus in Montgomery.She was arrested for not giving up her seat for a white person to use. The blacks decided to boycott the usage of the buses for several months. The boycott was later called off when the Supreme Court pointed out that the segregation was unconstitutional.
Yes, the citizens of Montgomery as well as those of the US Supreme Court was necessary for its success.