Medicine is the field of the health and healing of the problem that a person suffers from. It involves nurses, doctors, and various kinds of specialist also at the same time it consists of diagnosis, treatment, and the prevention of the disease so that the person who is suffering can rid of their problem within a prescribed time
It is an investigation process for solving the medical issues
Therefore according to the given situation, the medicine is the answer
What article are you talking about
I don't know the context, but I'd say that's true.
Setting: Greg’s house (which is on Upper Surrey street)
Time: middle school
- <em>This is a biology question</em>
B) die back as other larger plants begin to grow
The graphs which show ecological succession taking place after a disturbance, has the grasses and mosses represented by "2". The curve tagged 2 represents the growth path of grasses and mosses after the disturbance.
From the graphs, we can see that after the disturbance, the growth of mosses and grasses starts on bare rocks and increases steadily as the slope of the curve rises. The curve tagged "2" begins to slope downwards, indicating a steady decline in the growth of mosses and grasses as other larger plants begin to emerge.
Therefore, from the graphs, we can infer that mosses and grasses grow over bare rock, and then <em>die back as other larger plants begin to grow. </em>Some of the grasses and mosses still survive but their growth is reduced in the presence of other larger plants and fast growing trees as they are unable to compete for space, nutrient and sunlight with them.