solid contact means you are able to touch/meet in person!
Small Acts of Kindness may not seem like much to some people. Kindness isn't big things, like giving someone a million bucks, or giving homeless people a mansion. It can be simple things, like holding open a door, or encouraging a team mate that doesn't get off the bench often. It can be things that no one notices, like picking up a fallen book in a library, doing the dishes when your mom is tired, but the other person notices. It helps them to keep trying, because they know that they have a helping hand to depend on. Who will you help today? What act of Kindness will you do today? It doesn't have to be big, it can be as small as helping an ant, but it sure makes a difference.
From one Smartie to Another- BubbleSmartie11
<span>Salva Dut was one of those boys. As an 11-year old Dinka from Tonj in southwest Sudan, Salva fled first to Ethiopia. Then later, as a teenager, he led 1500 "Lost Boys" hundreds of miles through the Southern Sudan desert to the Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya. That courage and heroic perseverance continue to this day. Relocated to the United States in 1996, he now leads Water for South Sudan, Inc., the non-profit organization he founded in 2003.</span>
There comes a time in everyone's life when we all have to wait. Even royalty are governed at times and cannot be spared! In life there are many things that we are waiting for. Waiting for Utopia, for that perfect partner, for that dream job, or simply waiting at the traffic lights or the check-out in the supermarkets. Waiting is a big part of our life, and it can sometimes become one of the most important parts. So we had better start to enjoy waiting, otherwise we will cause ourselves anxiety and frustration!Waiting doesn't seem to be a very important thing when we compare it to all that activity and doing-ness. But, hey how about giving it another thought. Is waiting not a gestation period? Does waiting not prepare us for what is to come? Imagine what it would be like if things would just seem to pounce upon us; we would not be prepared to appreciate the surprises. The wait builds up the anticipation and enthusiasm for what is to come. The wait makes us value what is to arrive in a much better way. We say: "It was well worth the wait." And actually something extra was added in that waiting....what we wait for seems to makea meaningful difference to our waiting. hope it will help you