Range of Military Operations in planning.
These operations vary in size, purpose, and combat intensity within a range of military operations that extends from military engagement, security cooperation, and deterrence activities to crisis response and limited contingency operations, and, if necessary, to major operations and campaigns. The use of joint capabilities in military engagement, security cooperation, and deterrence activities shapes the operational environment and helps to keep the day-to-day tensions between nations or groups below the threshold of armed conflict, while maintaining US global influence.
1. Constitution is the foundation of Georgia's Government. It outlines the structure of the government. The Constitution of Georgia is composed of a Preamble and 11 Articles.
2. The different branches of the government are Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. The Legislative branch has the power to make all laws. The Executive branch is vested with the ff. powers: i. Law enforcement; ii. Commander in Chief; iii. Veto power; and iv. Writs of election. The Judicial branch has the power to interpret the laws.
3. Legislative: President of the Senate -> presiding officer of the Senate; Speaker of the House of Representative -> presiding officer of the houseExecutive: Governor -> i. Law enforcement; ii. Commander in Chief; iii. Veto power; and iv. Writs of election. Judicial: Chief Justice -> Chief presiding and administrative officer of the Supreme Court
4. The Governor can appoint the ff: - Adjutant General - Administration - Banking - Budget - Civil Rights - Consumer Affairs - Corrections - Economic Development - Emergency Management - Finance - Health - Information Systems - Natural Resources - Revenue - Social Services - State Police
5. Georgia Council for the Arts empowers the arts industry in Georgia and artists around the state to cultivate healthy, vibrant communities that are rich in civic participation, cultural development and economic prosperity.
6. You can answer this or you can tell me your City/State so I can answer for you.
False communists were sorta like dictators they wanted everything for themselves :)
The Articles of Confederation was an agreement within the 13 states in accepting the us as confederation of sovereign states and created it's 1st constitution. The articles allowed the Continental Congress to run the revolutionary war, perform diplomacy within Europe, print money, and find out territorial issues.
However, the articles created a weak government and one house legislature congress wasn't allowed to tax and do any type or foreign trade. It left the govt to be short in money and therefore the people were allowed to manage their own trade.
In 1787, the state delegates called to revise the articles of confederation, called the Constitutional Convention. Congress of Confederation was the new governing body.
In 1775 colonies started calling themselves states and creating new constitutions. They wanted bicameral state legislatures, strong executive leaders, less restriction on the people, and continuance of established religions by the state. Also people wanted less restricted voting or holding office requirements.
With the assistance of Hamilton et al. the constitution was created. The constitution tried to limit the power of the govt and distribute it into the checks and balances. People didn't want to simply accept the constitution because the bill of rights limited the government's power, provide a constitutional reassurance the people would keep their rights and liberty.
I'd need the answer choices to see which one it is not.