Computer is a device that is electronically designed to receive input, execute task on the input and give an output or resultant value. It's electronic hardware components are driven by a central software called the operating system. Input, output, memory and storage, and processor units are categories of the hardware components of the computer.
Peripheral hardware devices are externally attached to a computer system to maximise it's functionality. They are connected through extensions like ports, PCIe extensions etc.
#use above link for formatted program #Python3
c=[float(cord) for cord in input('Enter a point with 2 coordinate :').split(' ')]
if((abs(c[0]-base[0])<= float(w)/2) and (abs(c[1]-base[1])<= float(h)/2)):
print('Point (',c[0],', ',c[1],') is in the rectange')
print('Point (',c[0],', ',c[1],') is not in the rectange')
"cost, schedule, technical, and organizational feasibility schedule" is the correct option.
A technical feasibility is the study of the concerned about the specifying software and tools which satisfy the users' need. It is also the process of thinking for which business technologies are important to bring labours, transportation, and materials.
An organizational feasibility is the study of the information of the professional background and about the skills which are necessary for the contribution in the business.
The sky was blue
Glistening clouds in the air
For the little boy had no clue
His mother sat him down on the warm chair
There’s some great news
Hitler took over
And they killed off the Jews
The little boy just wanted to show mom his 4 leaf clover
Software piracy is the illegal copying, distribution, or use of software.