One liter is 33.814 so do (n x 33.814)
Commission is earning a certain percentage of the total sold price.
To figure this out we need to find what is 3% of $120,000
We can do this by multiplying 3% and $120,000
First let's change 3% into a decimal.
3% = 0.03
Now lets multiply.
0.03 x $120,000 = $3,600
So this person earned $3,600 in commission.
Good Luck! :)
❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Let a =107° and b=42°;
So cos 107° cos 42° + sin 107° sin 42° = cosa.cos42 + sina.sinb = cos(a-b)
and cos 107° cos 42° + sin 107° sin 42° = cos(107-42) = cos(65°)
6.75 teaspoons
So it takes 0.1875 teaspoon of baking powder to make one muffin. Then you just multiply 0.1875 by 36 and you get 6.75. :)