Answer:B.He preserved the army through his leadership skills
Hi. You did not present the cover of the magazine to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for this question to be answered. However, I will try to help you as best I can.
A historical circumstance refers to a condition for a historical event to happen, that is, this circumstance is referring to a historical event that caused another historical event of greater impact and proportion. Therefore, to answer your question, you must analyze the cover of your magazine and identify which circumstance, which historical event, which provoked another historical event, this cover addresses.
Freedom of worship and the right to believe in any religion was important in the colonies of the 18th century. Let´s remember that many Englishmen who had emigrated to the New World faced religious persecution at home, or they had decided to emigrate because they wanted to live in communities according to their own principles, something that was not possible then in England for political and religious reasons.
Besides, the separation of church and state was an important idea of Enlightenment, an idea dear to the Founding Fathers. Freedom of worship seemed to them as another human freedom to be protected and cared about. And this is as important today as it was 250 years ago; there are large Muslim communitities in the USA today. Isn´t it relevant that they enjoy the right to practice their religion? Of course it is.
Franklin's cartoon "Join, or Die" is a woodcut image of a snake divided into eight pieces, referring to the segmented nature of the eight colonies, it was published in his editorial about the "disunited state" of the colony groups, illuminating the issue of division among colonists. The initial intention of the cartoon was to incite unity between the colonies and Great Britain, however, the cartoon created more derision, whereby the colonies sought to unite against Britain. It has featured throughout history since its first publication and remains effective in it's message.